When you visit, we may send you a cookie. A cookie is a small file which is placed on your computer or device, that is used to save information pertinent to your browser. The different types of cookie that may be used are:
You are not obliged to accept cookies and may modify your browser so that it will not accept cookies. The browser you use not only allows you to see the cookies saved on your computer, but also to control their use. You can control them by allowing them, deleting them individually or deleting all of them. You can also set your browser to not accept cookies altogether. Do bear in mind that if the latter option is selected, many websites will not function properly, or at all.
It may be possible to set your browser to not accept cookies and ask for your consent before each cookie is set on your device. This gives you control over what is set on your device, however has the drawback of slowing down your browsing experience. There are different levels of control too. You are able to prevent just third party cookies being deployed, and some even allow you to block specific companies you do not wish to deploy a cookie, instead of selecting all companies. Please refer to your web browser manual for details.
Below is a list of the cookies that we use. We have tried to ensure this is complete and up to date, but if you think that we have missed a cookie or there is any discrepancy, please let us know.
We use the following strictly necessary cookies:
We use the following analytical/performance cookies:
This page outlines the terms and conditions which apply to your user as an individual to our site...
This page outlines how we request, store and use your personal information, and our compliance with data protection regulations...
Have you got questions about WAIVERFORM® or our company? Visit our FAQ page for answers to commonly asked questions...
We have only set essential cookies, what we class as essential cookies. To view what cookies we’ve set, or for instructions on using your browser to reject our cookies, click here.